12 Simple Ways Everyone Can Use To Lead

 "You only need a mindset to make a change and put your name in the sands of time." - Esther Chika Abedje

1. Influence Is Not Limited By Position: You don't need a title to make an impact. You only need a mindset to make a change and put your name in the sands of time.

2. Lead With Purpose, Not Power:  Focus on achieving a shared goal, not just exerting control. Leadership is about action, not position, not title.

Everyone can lead regardless of role or title, anyone can take initiative and lead. Just build trust not title. Build trust with others to inspire loyalty and cooperation.

3. Lead By Example: Mind you people are watching, the way you talk, and the things you do. Keep showing others the way through your actions and behaviour.

Help others grow and develop their potentials. Influence is earned. When they can point at you that you're the reason they didn't give up on themselves and dreams, it makes them trust you the more and they'll always be ready to follow your instructions. 

4. Leading Without A Title Requires Courage: Take risks, challenge the status quo, and stand up for what's right. Just like Esther in the bible, she was courageous enough to fight and defend her people.

5. Impact Is Not Limited By Title: Focus on making a positive impact, regardless of your position. Let me chip in this, thank God we all have media now. The world is really changing so fast. You've got to keep evolving. You can lead both online and offline. 

For example, our president at The School Of  Friendship, Mr. John Arthur, leads through both the online space and the offline space. I've seen most of SOF physical programs he anchors through his WhatsApp status, and they are just amazing.

6. Lead With Humility: Recognize the value of others and lead with humility. Discover the good and strength in everyone you meet. Focus on impact, not recognition. Prioritize making a difference over seeking praise or recognition. Be humble and serve. The best leadership is servant leadership.

7. Build Relationships and Strategic Connections: Foster strong connections with others to achieve shared goals, relate with people, and socialize. I don't mean making a thousand friends; I mean making destiny friends - those who are aligned with your purpose in life.

8. Lead With Vulnerability: Share your struggles, fears, and doubts to build trust and connection. Learn to celebrate others' successes recognize and celebrate the achievements of those around you. 

9. Lead With Curiosity: Stay open to learning, growth, and new ideas to be flexible, not static. 

10. Lead With Gratitude: Express appreciation for others and the opportunities you have.

11. Title is Not A Measure Of Worth: Your value and worth come from who you are, not your position. 

12. Lead With Positivity: Maintain a positive attitude and inspire others to do the same. Have this drive to always impact lives wherever you found yourself and it will help you, and make you a great leader.

I believe these simple ways will help you to become a great leader. Thank you for making time to read.

Kind regards,




John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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