"Distance dating is a dating relationship in which the two parties are apart and do not meet as often as both of them or at least one of them would love to." - Pious Serwuno

Please pay attention to what defines distance in a relationship. 

If we only meet once a week and it is enough for us, that is not distance dating even if one person lives in USA and the other is in Ghana. 

Distance is defined by what the individual or group ideal is. If we meet twice a week and we both think it is not enough, that may be distance dating even if we live few kilometres apart. 

I want to broaden the definition this way so that we all learn from the ensuing discussions.

Typically, though, distance dating is seen as "distaaaaaance". But we are learning that it's not just about the kilometres. 

It's about the frequency of physical meetings and whether they are considered adequate by either or both parties.

So please don't see Distance Dating only as a case in which one person is overseas. 

Every distance is a distance. 

If you think the physical meetings are not enough, then there is a distance in your mind and that is real. A lot of relationship issues have to do with the mind and what it says. That's why you must learn each other's minds.


There are 3 types of Distance Dating (DD). These are;

1. The relationship started from a distance. Both have never been in physical proximity with each other long enough. 

2. The relationship started when there was more physical proximity, but one person travelled or moved for some reason and that created a distance. 

3. The two knew each other physically and shared some/no level of friendship from school, neighborhood, church etc but the dating started only after they were physically apart. 

I hope we can appreciate all three instances.

Each type has its own dynamics but hopefully that will be clearer as we move forward.

Clearly, two people who have never met or spent enough time physically are in a different DD than two who attended the same school and maybe started dating there until one travelled. The two situations are similar but also different. 

And I will believe that it will inform us on things to consider whether we are now entering such a relationship or we are already in it.

I believe we've had a clearer picture of what this kind of dating is. Let me hear from you if you have any question or comment through the comment box. 

Kind regards, 



John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.


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