10 Lessons From The Book "Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Men" By Dr. Myles Munroe

It is always a blessing to share our lessons from what we learn. These are 10 brief lessons from our book for November, 2023. Ponder over each lesson and let them bring great changes in your life.

1. A real man desires and loves God and His presence

2. A real man aspires to work and to develop His gifts and talents.

3. A real man honors his family and marriage above all things.

4. A real man is committed to cultivate others to be the best they can.

5. A man‘s identity is found in his purpose, not in his roles.

6. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.

7. The six specific purposes that God created the man to fulfill: visionary, leader, teacher, cultivator, provider, and protector.

8. Man was given work before the woman was created. This means that before a man needs a woman, and before he is ready for marriage, he needs work.

9. The primary needs of males are (1) respect, (2) recreational companionship, and (3) sex. The primary needs of females are (1) love, (2) conversation, and (3) affection.

10. Love is not giving gifts but being a gift.

Thanks for reading.

Lessons compiled by;

Henry Kankam


The School Of Friendship.

John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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