7 Lessons From The Book "Disruptive Thinking" by Bishop T. D. Jakes.

It is always a blessing to share our lessons from what we learn. These are 7 brief lessons from our book for October, 2023. Ponder over each lesson and let them bring great changes in your life.

1. Disrupters don’t take sides; they take over.

2.  You can’t be a disruptive thinker while trying to negotiate peace settlements with people who want to define you by their description of you.

3.  Disruption should be about something bigger than ourselves. That’s the only way we will weather the stormy days and nights.

4. To understand life from the other person’s perspective means that you have to disrupt your norm to have a different experience.

5. We are most productive when we have a whole community of people that galvanize around that disruption and support it.

6. When we become comfortable with disruption and have settled on the other side of the fence, at some point we come upon a discovery: we’re not done yet. We keep encountering new fences we must jump. That’s because life keeps changing.

7. Tenacity will get you there. Consistency will keep you there. Gratefulness will give you more of what’s there. Keep moving!

Thanks for reading.

Lessons compiled by;

Henry Kankam


The School Of Friendship.

Additional Videos on The Book

1. Disrupters don’t take sides; they take over.

2. Relationships are everything.

3. The best way to disrupt something is from the inside.

4. Destiny Takes Time.

5. Societies begin with family.

6. What is disruptive thinking?

7. Summary of the Book.

God bless you for reading. To get a copy of the eBook, you could contact our office line +233246666491.

John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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