"Building trust in a relationship is key to counting on each other and maintaining longevity." - Ps. Isaac Jethro 

1. You Focus on the Negative. 

People in trusting and healthy relationships are more likely to see the positives in each other, whereas those with trust issues are more likely to focus on the negatives. 

If you often find yourself assuming the worst and noticing people’s weaknesses rather than their strengths, then that could be a sign you have  trust issues.

2. You Hold Grudges. 

Once someone has broken your trust or let you down, you never forget it. You are not likely to ever forgive or trust that person again. It shows you have trust issues. 

3. You Pick Fights. 

When you have trust issues, you are hyper-aware of any little thing that could go wrong in a relationship. 

You don’t trust your partner, so you bring up issues from their past or find things that bother you and start a fight.

4. You Keep to Yourself. 

"Sharing your inner world with others requires trust." - Pastor Isaac Jethro 

When you have trust issues, you would rather keep things to yourself than risk trusting someone else with the details of your inner life.

5. You Spy on People or Check Their Phones. 

My brothers and sisters are you there? This may sound funny but it's very serious 

When you have trust issues, you are always looking for evidence to prove whether someone is being honest with you or not. 

Since you don’t believe them, you seek out evidence to either set your mind at ease or prove you right.

6. You Smother People You Care About. 

When people are in your inner circle, you protect them fiercely because you fear that they will leave you or that something bad will happen to you. 

This can result in smothering, hovering, or codependent behavior in your relationships.

Please being over protective is different from being caring.

Let us check how we treat our partners. They have their life to live too

Learning to trust again can be difficult but necessary to maintain your emotional wellbeing. 

Building trust in a relationship is key to counting on each other and maintaining longevity.

I believe this provides a quick check for you to assess yourself whether you have trust issues or not. Check the next article on dealing with trust issues. 

Kind regards, 




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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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