MrJazSohani SharmaAhmedabadAhmedabad


"If you go looking for a friend, you're going to find they're very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere." - Zig Ziglar.

These simple keys will help you to make new friends within a twinkling of an eye. Let's start. 

1. Greet the person to see his or her mood.

<Hi/Hello Boss, Chairman, Senior Madam, Sir, Honorable, Apostle, Prof, Master, Doctor,> 

2. Ask of their wellbeing.

<I hope you are good. Do not ask the person ‘how are you?’ you need a positive answer here. 

3. Start with a compliment.

<Woow! I like your shoe, hairstyle, haircut, belt, fingernails, dressing, purse, handbag, tie or phone cover. Its stunning, I wish you can show me where you bought or went for that. where did you get it from> 

The person will automatically open to you with either a smile or laughter.

4. Ask of attention.

<I hope I can have a minute of your time>

5. Add another compliment.

<But I really like your smile.>

6. Find a common ground. (A similarity between the two of you). 

<It can be local language, region, town, area, name, tribe, school, and any thing that may happen to be a similar to both of you.>

The reason behind this concept is that people are easily moved to accept or to open up to what is similar to them.

7. Introduce your self.

<By the way, .........(full name, job, and any hobby may do.)>

8. Create something to make the person feel happy being with you. 

End your conversation in a very professional way. <I have really enjoyed being with you>.

9. Make the bold step. 

< I wish I hear or check up on you next time so if could give me your phone or whatsapp line.>

I hopeful this brief piece has been enhancing. Let's stay connected at The School Of Friendship.

Kind regards,


John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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