"When you're in a relationship you're not single, so you can't act like you are." - Edward Duodu

Is it ok for male and female friends to say "I love you" to each other?

The problem with opposite sex platonic relationships is that they often blur the lines of what is friendship and what is romantic relationship. 

For a lot, if not most, there are just some things you do and say that are only for your lover. Saying "I love you" is one of those.

People love their families, their pets, their cars, etc. but the meaning can be misinterpreted if said to another person of the opposite sex.

I'm sure you would feel insecure if he said it to a female friend in your presence. Don't lie, you would. It's human nature. We all would. All these actions are fine when you're single.

But once you enter a serious relationship, everything changes. Yes, compromises and changes do have to be made. But it's the commitment to the relationship that matters. 

When you're in a relationship you're not single, so you can't act like you are. You are now sharing your life with someone and both people need to readjust their lives.

One friend told me the last time, “When my male friend said he loved me, it brought up a lot of confused feelings from me towards him. Even though from his end it was purely platonic, I overthought about it and it cause me a lot of stress”.

I think, saying 'I love you', is not an issue outside of a relationship. It definitely breaks the laws of intimacy between a couple within.

We therefore have to be sensitive and careful of how we say 'I love you' to our male or female friends; and not just play with it. 

Kind regards,


(+233 20 442 9420), 


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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