“Because of books I have never been lonely”-Samuel Ekow Abbuah

1. Reading reduces stress, helps you sleep better and improves brain function. 

We can’t overlook the health benefits of reading!

Reading is one of the best ways to relax your mind. According to a Research by University of Sussex reading for even six minutes can reduce your stress levels by as high as 68 percent!

Psychologists believe that this is probably because when we are lost in a book, our mind is focused on reading and that little distraction from the real world and our problems into a literary world eases the tensions in muscles and heart.

So the ultimate way of relaxing your mind is by losing yourself in a book! Read more and you will realize yourself that your stress level becomes significantly low with time.

For sleep, reading has a pretty positive impact on another important aspect of our life – a good night sleep! Reading books calms your mind and helps you sleep better. 

For brain function, reading can also significantly improve our brain functions!

Research from Emory University in Atlanta Georgia suggests that reading a powerful work of fiction can make neural changes in your brain thereby improving your brain functions! The changes occur in the ‘resting-state’ of the brain and can last for days.

 2. Reading takes away “loneliness”. 

“Because of books I have never been lonely”-Samuel Ekow Abbuah

If you are a book lover, you are never really alone! You can always have a friend in the form of a book. Oh Yes, you Can! 

“Reading for me, is spending time with a friend.” – Gary Paulsen.

Books must be part of your friendship circle. Books are one of your friends that communicate silently. The friendship blessing from books cannot be overemphasized.

"And there’s reason why book lovers consider books to be their best friends. Books don’t complain, neither do they have any demands. They just be with you no matter what. You can carry them wherever you want and read them whenever you want provided you make time for reading.”-Unknown

3. Reading makes you a better person. 

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

One of the most significant importance of reading is that it helps you grow as a person. 

You learn about the hardships in life from experiences of others. You will learn to understand people and be kind and gentle. You will have a better emotional health.

Your increased knowledge can also be useful for other people who may look up to you for advice and suggestions. With all this, you are bound to become a better human being!

Of course, these are just a few reasons to show the importance of reading in everyone’s life. There can be many other specific reasons why reading is important. 

For a person in the corporate world, reading may have different benefits than that of a person in sports. But the bottom line is that reading actually is very important, no matter in what field you are.

And if you aren’t reading yet, you should not wait any longer. The best time to start reading is today!

It’s being nice sharing with you on the IMPORTANCE OF READING

Let me leave you with this quote

‘Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers’.  -Charles W. Elio

Keep reading until you don’t feel like stopping, I guarantee, you will make a difference!

Kind regards, 

(+233 27 022 1286) 
John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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