"To be a best friend in marriage, you need to know God.” –John Arthur.

"Your marriage is as good as the quality of friendship you have with God.” –John Arthur. 

There are 4 'L's  I believe account for being a best in marriage. These are;


Very few people learn with their spouses. 

"Learning the word of God together with your spouse is the quickest way to becoming their best friend. You have to make time for this.” –John Arthur.

Have family devotions together. Have moments you study God’s together with only your spouse, aside your personal bible study. This will unite your hearts, spirits and minds together as one beautiful gem. It’s the fastest way to being a best friend in marriage.

"Learning how to do what your spouse likes best and doing it together with them will make you their best friend. In fact, when they are soaked in with you, they wouldn’t like to have anyone else with them. You become their helper, cheerleader and best friend.” –John Arthur.

Ask questions about their greatest interests; you may not necessarily like them, but for their sake and for the sake of being their best friend, learn something about them and do together with them. Show interest in what they do and do it together with them. That’s when you fulfill the scripture as their helper.


"If you can’t laugh with anyone in the world, your spouse should be the best friend to laugh with.” –John Arthur.

Jim Morrison says, “A friend is the one who gives you the freedom to b yourself.” One of my friends and students at The School of Friendship, Naomi Ofin, told me one time during our seminars that, “A friend is the one with whom you don’t have to be extra careful.” 

"The more you feel free with your spouse the greater you increase your friendship with them.” –John Arthur.

The first African-American First Lady of the United States Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is a lawyer, writer, and the wife of the 44th President of United States, Barack Obama. She said about her home;In our house we don't take ourselves too seriously, and laughter is the best form of friendship, I think, in a marriage. 

"Best friendship can never be possible in marriage without laughter. Learn how to laugh with your spouse and you will be their best friend in marriage.” –John Arthur.


Paul Tillich writes, “The first duty of love is to listen.” If you can’t spend time with your spouse in taking and listening to each other, friendship will be a difficult relationship with for you.

“The road to the heart,” wrote Voltaire, “is the ear.” If you want to enter the heart of your spouse in marriage, then give them a listening ear. And in doing this, look straight into their eyes while you listen. It will make you their best friend.

“The eye-lock is a powerful magnet for making contact with people” says Dr. Allan McGinnis. Dr. Julius Fast, author of Body Language, made a study of courting gestures and found prolonged eye contact to be the most important gesture of all. “If you hold another person’s eye longer than, say, two seconds,” says Dr. Fast, “it’s a clear sign that you’re interested.”


Leaning on your spouse is trusting your spouse. Someone said, “A marriage without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it as long as you want, but it won’t go anywhere.” My longtime friend and speaker at The School of Friendship, Emmanuel Sasu, said, “Friendship without trust will sink."

"You cannot build any successful friendship without trust.” –John Arthur.

Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt. Don’t advertise their flaws, fears, failures, and faults; let them know you believe in them if no one in the world does This will increase their love and commitment to you; thereby making you their best friend.


"To be a best friend in marriage, you need to know God.” –John Arthur.

The best way to be a best friend in marriage is to be a best friend to your spouse. The best way to be a best friend to your spouse is to be a best friend to yourself. The best way to be a best friend to yourself is to be a best a friend to God. So the shortest route to being a best friend in marriage is to simply be a best friend to God.

When you become a best friend to God, you become a best friend to yourself. When you become a best friend to yourself, you become a best friend to your spouse. And when you become a best friend to your spouse, you become a best friend in marriage. 

"Your marriage is as good as the quality of friendship you have with God.” –John Arthur.

Kind regards,


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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