One of the dominant goals I set for myself every new year, new month and consciously everyday, is the goal of friendship. I set the goal to keep the good friends I have and become open to receive new friends from God.

If I had not consciously been setting myself this goal every year, I would have lost many precious friends from my life. I remember in 2017 and 2018, if not for this goal I wouldn't have had some of the good friends I have now.

What happened in my friendship with some of my friends only required me to say 'I am sorry'. Wherever friendship exists, someone is bound to be hurt. And if you always focus on being the right person, you will never have friends in your life.

You have to have the humility to apologize, to be grateful and to reconnect with your good friends no matter what happens. You cannot change friends like you change your shoes or dress.

You cannot afford to lose every friend you make. God has already set a lifetime goal to keep us and be with us on earth and in eternity forever. He doesn't want to lose us no matter what we do.

Paul writes in Romans 5:10 that, "... We were restored to friendship with God by the death of His Son while we were still enemies...".

As you keep growing in life, make it your goal to keep the good friends God has blessed you with and become open to the Holy Spirit to receive the new friends He has for you.

Remember, God uses friendships to make additional investments in our lives. Value your friends. Let them know you care. Apologize when necessary. Forgive them when they are wrong. And don't allow anything to come between you and your friendship with God.
Kind regards,

John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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