Loving and accepting oneself has become difficult in our days because many young people lack self-assessment skills. Loving and respecting oneself is the greatest act of appreciation you can give to God. Also, the refusal to accept and appreciate oneself doesn’t expose the incompetence of God rather it exposes our lack of realization of God's existence on earth. 

To accept and appreciate oneself is the greatest offer of love you can give to your own soul. Do you know that, loving oneself is dependent on the importance one attach to your life?

Psalms 139:13 says, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb." Let me say that, to disregard and or not appreciate yourself is an act of disrespect towards the handy works of God.


1. Accept that you are a handy work of God.

Genesis 1:31 says, "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good..."

2. God intentionally created us for His glory. Accepting this fact makes you come into agreement that God purposefully created you. Also, He appreciated you and accepted that you are okay, good and wonderful. If even God is pleased to have you, why shouldn’t you be happy about yourself and thank God for making you the way you are?

Note, may be your parents didn’t plan of you but God thought of you before your conception. You are not an accident. Your conception, where you come from, the situation around you may seem to tell you that this world wasn’t ready for your birth.

This makes you think that you are an accident. But dear, my bible makes me aware that even in the womb you were made a winner

Isaiah 49:1 says, "Listen to me, O coastlands, and give attention, you peoples from afar. The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name."

a. Accept your sexuality.
b. Accept your skin colour.
c. Accept your culture.
d. Accept your weakness.
e. Accept your frame.

3. See yourself to be a gift to the world.

People who see and know how important they are to this world and the generations unborn always see to value themselves and love themselves.

People who don’t love themselves are people who think of themselves to be without essence to this life and the next to come. To love yourself, is to appreciate how gifted you are. Concentrating on one’s inner abilities gives you comfort, peace and love for oneself.

4. Accept the uniqueness/exceptionality of your nature.

How can you be the only person with the finger print you have? Over the 7 billion people under this sun, no one has the same finger print you have, the eye balls you have. What makes you think you are not important or you are inferior?

We don’t have your duplicate. Please accept and cherish yourself because if we lose you, the world will never have your kind. You are the only person who can give our generation what God wants us to get from you. No one can do it as the way you will do it. Its either you or not at all. Knowing this helps you to love and keep yourself.

5. Know your purpose and fall in love with it. 
Seek and know the plans of God for your life through His word.


The love of God is great towards us that He wishes we also show some kind of love to ourselves. He loves us that He gave His only son for us. What have you sacrificed because of the love for your Life and Soul? We have no option as Children of God other than honouring and appreciating Him by loving and cherishing ourselves.

Kind regards,

(+233 24 328 3853),

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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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