After winning the heart of our mates, many of us stop cultivating our love towards them. Max Lucado says, “If God has a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and sunrise every morning… face it, friend. He [God] is crazy about you.”

“Loving one’s spouse is the greatest desire of God. Loving your spouse is a great sacrifice.” – Mr. & Mrs. Odoom.

Ephesians 5:25 says, “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” This is because loving your spouse may not be your desire because of the attitudes of your spouse but the bible commands us to do so (because loving your spouse at all times will be a milestone, God commands us to do so irrespective of that.)

Love is a mystery; difficult to understand. A word that the Bible uses a whole chapter to explain n also to equate it to God.

1. Agape- Godly love
2. Phileo- friendship/brotherly love
3. Storge- family love
4. Eros- marriage or romantic love

How can I express all these kinds of love to my spouse?

1. See your spouse to be an image of God
The greatest wish of every good Christian is to consistently love God and do His will. Seeing your spouse to be an image God helps you to show maximum love to him/her no matter what. Christians love God because He is God. So, we should love our spouse not because he/she does what we want but because he/she is your spouse (ordained by God).

2. See your spouse as a gift from God.
Most of us are still fighting to win the heart (love) of certain individuals (who came into our lives to grace us) we (always) think and see (perceive) them as a gift unto us. We call them every minute of the day (and always try to find means of reciprocating the good done for us ). If we have won them, then lets continuously love them and see them as gifts from God.

3. See your spouse to be a friend

“Effective communication is an act of genuine friendship.” – Mr. & Mrs. Odoom

“Seek to bring out the best in your spouse as you will wish to do for a friend.” – Mr. & Mrs. Odoom

4. Don't be a destiny killer or an anointing drainer.
Help bring out the best in your spouse. That's show how well you love him/her. The hypocritical attitude of some Christians towards sex has caused many to lose their precious spouses to opportunistic individuals in our societies. It is sign of wickedness to hide behind spirituality to deny your spouse of his/her sexual pleasure.

5. See your spouse to be the originator of your Family
Dr. Myles Munroe says, “Family is the only relation one has no choice in deciding to belong.” Everyone has control over the relations he/she has except the family. Seeing your spouse as an originator of this great mystery helps you to love him/her.

6. Know and understand the love language of your spouse.
Knowing the love language of your spouse helps you to show what I call “love on point”. Don’t show “a displaced love”.

Showing love to your spouse is a conscious effort and it behooves on every couple who desire to make their marriage work!

Kind regards,

(+233 24 328 3853),
John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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