Building friends is vital to the success of our friendships and the fulfilment of our potentials on earth. The friends you build are the friends who believe you the most. The friends you build are the friends who become like you. The friends you build are the friends who speedily birth the fulfilment of your dreams and visions in life.

For us to build our friends we have to first conduct what we call in HR, Training Needs Assessment (TNA). It is the process in which a company identifies training and development needs of its employees for them to do their job effectively.

In friendship, this is where you make analysis or assessment of the gifts, potentials and abilities of your friends to see how best you can develop them to help them reach their destinies in life.

This is one of things I usually do to anyone who becomes my friend. I examine their gifts and potentials, and see how best I can build them. Sometimes, I even schedule a date and meet with them somewhere, to ask them questions on their gifts and abilities.

For us to build our friends, we have to go through an instructional methodology we call in HR, the ADDIE Model. Basically, “ADDIE” comes from a simple acronym. Since it’s a 5 step training model, its name refers to the 5 different stages included in the process of creating a course. These are:

1. Analysis
2. Design
3. Development
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation

1. A is for Analysis

So, the first thing you want to do is analyze the current training ground, and see your friends’ knowledge gaps, their past training, what’s worked, what has not, etc.

2. D is for Design

Decide what format you are going to use. What is the methodology and the strategy of your training delivery? In what order are you going to feature each section of your training? How much time are they going to need to complete your course?

3. Another D for Development

The Development phase will need a lot of testing. One last thing you might want to check is your content. Is it too long or too short? Does it grab your friends’ attention?

For the development stage you can also use Book Reading Methods to build your friends depending on their needs.. Seminars, Conferences, Counseling, etc could also be used

4. I stands for Implementation

Now that you’ve finished your research, designs, and testing: it’s high time you shared your course with the world.

5. Finally, E for Evaluation

Put a survey at the end of your course and ask them about their experience, what they have learned so far, what suggestions they might have, and more. Identify any gaps you need to fill and address them right away, either in this specific course or in future ones.

Kind regards,


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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