"A friend is the one who knows all about you and still loves you” Elbert Hubbard. "Friends… they cherish one another’s hopes. They are kind to one another’s dreams” Henry David Thoreau.

You may be bothered with these questions: ‘who is my friend?’, whom do I choose as a friend?’, ‘how do I determine that this is the right person for me to choose into my life as a friend?’, ‘should I choose this person as a friend or should I choose that person as a friend?’, ‘is this one my friend or is that one my friend?’


1. A Check Of Enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm has to do with enjoyment, excitement, passion and interest. Merriam-Webster Dictionary define enthusiasm as a “strong excitement about something: a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy”.

When it comes to true friendship, you need people of the same material. Choose friends who move with you in the directions of your joy and enthusiasm.

2. A Check Of Devotion.

Devotion has to do with commitment. But it also means “the use of time, money, energy, etc., for a particular purpose” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Which people do you spend your time, energy and money with? Do they add to your life or subtract from you? Choose friends who increase you with just a minute of their time with you.

3. A Check Of Affection.

Affection has to do with love, like and care. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines affection as “a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something.”

When you are choosing your closest friends, choose friends who love the God you love and care about what you care about. It's the easiest way to achieve your dreams and purpose.

4. A Check Of Goals.

A goal is an objective, target or an ambition. Your goal is the path of your life. It enables you to selectively live your life. Until a person discovers where he’s going you cannot walk with him in an intimate friendship, because he cannot take you there.

Check the goals of people before you choose them as your close friends. Not everyone has to be close to you. Dr. Mike Murdock says, “Your goals allow your friends to confirm their loyalty.”

“If you want people to be close to you, then check their enthusiasm, devotion, affection, and goals before deep friendship.” – John Arthur.

Kind regards,


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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