"You only live once, and it’s important to stay true to who you are so you can live a fulfilled and happy life." - Prince Bawa Musah

Purpose creates meaning and this brings with it motivation and inspiration, allowing you to live a fulfilled and meaningful life. This requires maximum attention similar to our boyfriends and girlfriends.

"If your attention for future wives and husbands is more than the attention you give to your purpose, then you are not in love with your purpose yet." - Prince Bawa Musah

Falling in love with your purpose means learning what you love, what you desire, and what you need. It means focusing on your goals and how you can, and will pursue them. It means discovering what you really want out of relationships, out of yourself, out of your existence on this earth, and creating a well-designed plan for your future.

Before you can fall in love with your purpose, there are certain questions you need to answer.

1. Define your top 3-5 values in life e.g. happiness, loyalty, wealth, power, wisdom, family, integrity, kindness, friends
2. What do you want to achieve in your life?
3. How do you want to be remembered? or What difference do you want to make to this world?
4 What makes you feel motivated, inspired and really excited about life?
5. When are you your best self?
6. Who makes you happy?
7. What are your best skills and strengths?
8. What skills do you wish you could use every day?

If you sincerely get answers for these questions, then you are one step ahead to be a generational thinker and game changer.


1. Connect with your inner wisdom

It’s hard to fall in love with a life where you are disconnected from your highest self-that’s your purpose so find ways to tune into your guidance, your intuition and listen to the whispers of your heart and soul. They’re always talking to you, and all it takes is the time, the effort and maybe some peace to hear that inner wisdom.

2. Take charge of your life

This is your life, you need to take charge of it and take it where you want to go, not where you think you should go, where someone else wants you to go or where you ended up because you didn’t know where to go. Dr. Mike Murdock once said: "Those who disagree with your goals will become adversarial towards your decisions." So my dear, no one will love your purpose more than you.

3. Be your own best friend and biggest cheerleader.

We on The School of Friendship platform and I would like to end with friendship. Be your own best friend. The one constant you can count on in life is you. Wherever you go, you’ll take you with you, whether you like you or not.

"You are the architect of your own future and so is your purpose."  - Prince Bawa Musah

Kind regards,


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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