Friendship is purely a relationship of love. It's a love relationship where the Uncommon nature of God is truly experienced. Any friendship that does not manifest and enthrone the character of God is not a friendship at all. Friendship is the greatest place where God demonstrates His power and nature to us. Friendship is the greatest relationship to the heart of God. 

God designed friendship to be the easiest and simplest relationship, where His loving nature and character will be known. Many relationships are crucial in our lives, but friendship seeks to take the preeminence and highest place of all relationships. 

When we build friendship, we create an atmosphere to demonstrate the unfathomable and limitless love of God to others. Any friend whose love for you is full of manipulation, dictatorship, and towards the fulfillment of his or her personal desires is not really your friend at all. 

Friendship is a place for experiencing the love of God. 

True friendship is the love of God. God's love is not far from us. The Bible says in Romans 5:5 that, "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost." The Holy Spirit is the True Spirit of friendship and He is the One who infuses God's love in us for our friends. 

Any friend who has no regard for the Holy Spirit cannot love you as God loves you. Our respect and reception of the authority and administration of the Holy Spirit, decides the extent and depth of our love for others. If you want to choose a friend, choose a friend with God's love. 

Any friend without the love of God will create painful experiences for you. Any friend without the love of God will superimpose themselves on you and have their way in your life...  The love of God is patient, kind, good, full of self-control, never thinks evil of others, selfless, never keeps records of wrongs, and unconditional. 

It's only when we have a true friend that we experience the true love of God. Make friends with God's pure love in their heart. And be a friend who lifts up others; not the one who brings them down. This week, may God help you to enable others feel the power of His everlasting love for them in all your friendships, in Jesus' Name.

Kind regards,




John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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