1. Reading enhances your memory.

There are a lot of things we need to remember while reading a book. Name of the characters and their features, names of the places, plots, and sub-plots, the sequence of events, important conversations, etc. The ability to retain this information keeps improving with the number of books you read.

As your brain learns to remember the information from the story-line, it also becomes better at remembering other things of life, So by reading books, you are indirectly training your brain in improving your memory.

2. Reading is a great source of motivation

Sometimes there are moments in our life when we feel down and discouraged. We may lose our hope and interest in life and just want to give up. Well, in times like this, sometimes all we need is a little motivation, a little push in the right direction. 

Reading a good inspirational book during such a period can change our way of thinking and give us hope and motivation. Books are no doubt a huge source of motivation. We can derive great inspirations from them and transform our lives positively.

 3.  Reading helps you discover yourself

“I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.”Orhan Pamuk. Every good book opens up new dimensions of thoughts for the reader. When you read a book, you somehow try to connect the events, emotions, experiences, and characters in the books with yourself. This not only keeps you engrossed in the book but it also makes you realize how you would react and feel to those situations that have not yet occurred in your life.

It helps you broaden your dimension of likes and dislikes and things that would please you. So with every page that you read, you have a chance to discover a new part of yourself!

4.  Reading improves your vocabulary, language command, and communication skills

If you are a reader, you probably know the importance of reading in enhancing your vocabulary. Reading books is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary. Moreover, the conversations in the books also help you to strengthen your command over the language. Your sentence formation becomes quick, better, and qualitative. You rarely get stuck for lack of words.

Once you have a richer vocabulary and controlled command over the language, your communication skills automatically become better.

Hope you enjoyed this episode?  Stay tuned for our third and final episode on the IMPORTANCE OF READING. The final episode is going to be more educational and insightful. You can’t miss it! Thanks for reading!

Kind regards, 




John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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