"We only miss friends who make great impacts on us and not those we see or know." - John Arthur.

Most people take 'missing a friend' as a superficial statement especially when they haven't seen or known the person at a very personal level. But the truth is this: if you're waiting to see people personally and know them personally before you miss them, you will never miss any friend in the world.

Ask yourself, how many of the friends you sat with in class, whether JHS, SHS, or Tertiary, do you miss today? How many of your teachers in school do you miss?... The only ones you would miss were the ones who influenced your life. 

For some of them, you wouldn't even be able to remember their names. So it is not those we see or know that we miss; it's those who impact our lives.

I can sit with you everyday and never miss you one bit; I can see you in a day and miss you a lifetime. The difference is the impact you make on me. Take the opportunity today, to make great positive impacts on those who come into your life. And you would always become unforgettable in their lives.

Kind regards,


John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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