"Becoming a billionaire is first, and foremost a mindset."  – Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko

It is a state of mind where focus, creativity and love are the major drivers, it is the state of natural blissfulness and urge to add value to the society and impact the lives around.

What does it take to become a billionaire?

I know most of you may have this question at the back of your mind. You are likely asking yourself what it takes to get rich, not just rich but rich at the highest level.

How do you go from being broke to a billionaire?

Most people might simply want to have a positive cash flow (continuous inflow of money) or evening a million dollars or cedis in the bank. But does a million dollars or cedis really cut it these days? I suppose that depends on WHERE YOU ARE and WHAT YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM GOAL is.

“Journey to becoming a billionaire starts with a mindset yet it’s a skill. A skill called financial literacy.” – Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko

It is a key skill every person must develop. It is a ritual you must make up your mind to follow. It is possible to move from financial illiteracy (which results in entitled mindset and poverty stricken thinking) to a giant in financial matters (where abundance and positivity is your daily food).

Anytime I tell people they can change their current belief and attitude about money and finances, they seem to give excuses such as;

Ø It’s too late bro
Ø Our mind has already been programmed
Ø I don’t think I can do it
Ø I don’t need more money, I just need comfort
Ø I’m too young to learn money
Ø I’m too old to learn money
Ø I can’t make it in Ghana or Africa
Ø There are too little billionaires in Ghana and Africa.

Now here is a case study story; when my younger brother, Alexander was young. He was excellent with mathematics and arts but always struggle to read. For him, reading is a chore. It was hard work with little pay off.

I had to be diligent in making sure my brother read each and every night. Because given the chance, my brother would have been off playing instead. The problem wasn’t that my brother didn’t like reading. He loved to see other people read to him all the time. The problem was that learning to read was hard and it was easier to let others do it for him. He is now a book addict. He keeps asking me for book titles and articles to read.

Same is true about how we approach wealth. We pretend becoming a billionaire is hard and try to avoid that path, but we admire billionaires and feels happy to be their associates.

What if we become billionaires ourselves? What if we take charge of our financial life? What if we become the first billionaire in our community, or family?

What if it is possible for us to do it!!!! And I believe it is possible. You are the next billionaire in Africa. Ghana is waiting for you. You just have to re-engineer your mindset and unleash that creative genius in you. We’re built to create wealth.

Now let’s get some CREATIVE THINKING; let’s think like billionaires would always do. 

Billionaires are different breed. They take a different look at the world. Spending time with them is more likened to fabled fantasies rather than actual reality.

The world is truly their oyster. If you want to become a billionaire, or you are just looking to become a multi-millionaire, there are some strategies that will propel your growth.

1. Leverage an abundance mentality and laser-focus your mindset.
2. Become an expert at business networking
3. Effectively manage your time
4. Create long term goals and take daily actions towards them
5. Never give up no matter how tough things might be
6. Overcome the often-stifling fear of failure
7. Focus the power of your thoughts on positive over the negative
8. Never look for shortcuts or try to cut corners
9. Understand the underlying principles of sales and marketing
10. Become a fervent brand builder.

Kind regards,


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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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