God is a God of emotions. There are things we do that make Him happy and others that make Him sad. The greatest pursuit of life is to commit to producing consistent joy for the Lord. The more joyous you make God, the stronger you become (Neh. 8:10). 

There are two ways to make God happy and joyous every day. 

1. THE GREAT COMMANDMENT: thus, love (Matt 22:38-40). 

God wants us to love Him and love others. That's the reason He created us in the first place. We were made by love, and for love to live in love. This is where friendship and other human interpersonal relationships come in.  It is also where we express what God has deposited in us to others. 

If we don't live in this realm, we would never become satisfied in life. It's as a result of this that we fulfill our purposes in life. 

We don't fulfill our purpose, because that's what we were made to do; we are not robots. We fulfill our purpose, because we love God, love our own selves, and love others enough to share what He has deposited in us with them. It is when we do this that we become happy in life and make God also happy. 

Without this, we tend to destroy one another and hurt each other. Because there is no much love in our hearts. It is the key to life and living and the reason I also teach about friendship. 

2. THE GREAT COMMISSION: thus, soul-winning (Mark 16:15). 

Winning souls for God is what makes heaven and all angels rejoice the most - Drawing people to Christ. It's not only about helping people who don't know Jesus to know Him. But also even those who already know Him. Helping them to increase their faith in God, makes God and all heaven rejoice.  

Like what I'm doing now. Teaching you to understand more about God and what makes Him happy. I may not be the one who led you to Jesus, but I am part of those helping to keep you in Christ. Do you understand? Anything I do to help draw you closer to Jesus, makes God rejoice.

And the opposite is true; anyone who becomes a stumbling block to your Christian faith makes God angry. Jesus Christ said, *_" But if anyone causes one of these little ones who trusts in me to lose faith, it would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around the neck." - Math 18:6.

God really becomes happy when we all get involved in helping people know Him more. No matter where you are and your field of endeavor, you can help someone know God more. Through your lifestyle, advice, speech, character, attitude to people, and even the friends you keep. 

Let every little thing you do, help someone know God a little and God will bless you much. These two basic reasons make God happy every day. So let God smile and be happy today because of you. 

Kind regards, 


John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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