"When You Declare Your Vision To Your Friends, You Ask Them To See Your Potentials." - John Arthur.

"Whatever you were born to do, you're also equipped to do" - Dr. Myles Munroe. The presence of vision is a clue to God's divine provisions for their fulfilment. Your vision reveals your potentials. God will not call you to achieve something He hasn't already given you the capacity to fulfill. When I know your visions, I will know your potentials.

Once you understand this, nobody could stop you from achieving your vision. Your potentials are not for fan, fame and flexing. Your potentials are for the fulfilment of God's visions for your life. 

If you get the opportunity to have a friend who shares his visions with you, don't just listen to them; study the potentials they have and help them to develop those potentials till their visions are fulfilled. 

When Jesus told his disciples "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men", He was giving them a vision for their lives - to be fishers of men. He said that because He knew the potentials they had - the ability to fish. 

Afterwards he helped them to develop their abilities so much so that when Peter, one of His disciples, preached his first sermon, more than 3, 000 souls gave their lives to Christ. 

Vision is a clue to both discover potentials and develop them to their highest ability. Potentials are also keys to defining visions. But when declare your vision to your friends, you ask them to see your potentials. Do this with friends could help you to develop those potentials. 

Any friend who cannot help you to develop your potentials for the fulfilment of your visions, is not qualified to know the details of it. Keep it shallow with them. Your vision should decide your friends. 

Kind regards, 

John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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