When bamboo is planted, watered, and nurtured throughout the growing season, it does not outwardly develop at all—not a bud or sprout appears. 

It takes five consecutive years of cultivation before even the slightest sign of growth is visible. And then in the fifth year, something incredible happens: Within a six-week period it grows up to 60 feet!

For five years, the bamboo seed silently develops underground—expanding its root system in order to make it strong enough to sustain the ”sudden growth” that ultimately takes place in the fifth year. 

Had the tree failed to build a strong underground foundation, it would be impossible for it to “all of a sudden” reach its full potential when it comes time to push its way through the soil into the outside world.

This story illustrates the vital importance of patience in developing the character necessary to persevere and “push through.” 

Like the bamboo, living true to your self and greatest potential takes patience and perseverance. People may not immediately see growth, but with the help of God, you will emerge as the great soul and admirable person your were created to be.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “The heights by great men, reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, toiled ever upward through the night.”

"Friendship with yourself is never a wasted time. Spend quality time with yourself getting to know who and what God created you to be and when you get a hold of it, pour all of yourself into it even when no one sees and knows you... 

The day will come when this friendship habit will begin to bear fruit. That's when everybody will see and know the true person God created you to be. Be patience and keep growing in friendship with yourself and with God." - John Arthur. 

Kind regards,




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John Arthur

I am John Arthur. The President and Founder of The School of Friendship. I am an author of three (3) books and speaker on Christian platforms, education and corporate organizations.

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